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Monday, September 27, 2010

Szabó Zoltán-Krisztián

For me isn`t good day,today past 165 days my sun is missing.
Every minutes on days,and nights ,my feeling its stronger ,him somewhere live and tray to do a best life for him self.
My hearth ,today is broken,because I don`t now where is and how is and have something to eat and drink,have a bad where on the night resting little or have possibilety to say "Hello" or tell what is on him mind or spooke to someone.
Gest questions,every day its on my mind,and moore questions,but any answert.
If you,my sun,readet watt I wrote ,you must anderstand  my words its gest big pain,anxiety and Mother love.And you must to now,we,your family waintig you at home and......we are love you. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birth of a City(1984)

Birth of a City is one of the first published paintings of Thomas Kinkade. Depicts the famous Yukon town of Dawson during the height of the northern gold rush, around 1898. Thom took a small plane and toured the Alaska region.
The Birth of City painting by Thomas Kinkade on 1984.
Now, Media Arts Group, Inc. owns the original.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dead Sea

Dead Sea,unique on the world,depth :-433m.
The produce of Dead Sea is an important item in the export trade of Israel.
The water evaporates in the sun and leaves a sediments of white carnallite from which potash is manufactureal chiefly for fertilising purpose.
The exploitation of the Dead Sea was first started in 1930.
Water,which indeed destroys practically all organic life.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Michal Negrin

Thank you !